About us

Belsenso means Good intentions. We empower your strategy and ability to execute.

Our story

Belsenso er spesialister på lederrekruttering (Executive Search), lederevaluering (Leadership Asssessment)og styrerekruttering (Non Executive Search) innen bransjene energi, shipping, fiskeri, akvakultur, industri, finans og forsikring, idrett og ideelle organisasjoner.

Belsenso ble grunnlagt i 2000 av Ole Torbjørn Moy og Jan Fredrik Eriksen. Sammen etablerte de Belsenso som en sentral aktør innen sine bransjer. I 2021 endret Belsenso navn til Belsenso Executive. Belsenso Executive har dekket over 1500 oppdrag hvor 50% har vært internasjonale.

All partners in Belsenso Executive have broad management experience and organizational insight. Our offices are in Oslo and Vestlandet.

Our values


We are a trustworthy partner where confidentiality and loyalty is key. 


We keep our promises, and doesn't promise more than we can keep. 


We do not compromise on quality. And by quality we mean detailed planning, thoroughness, first-rate processes, and pride in what we do. 


Our partners take equal pride in all our projects.


We offer a flexible and functional process in close cooperation with our clients and our candidates. 

Why Belsenso?

We increase your chances of finding the right candidate

We conduct a cost efficient, quick, and professional process adjusted to your needs. 

We know your industry

Our partners have extensive experience and network within your industry. This guarantees an effective and targeted process.

Social responsibility

Every year, Belsenso Executive takes on pro bono assignments for NGOs and humanitarian foundations.

Belsenso in brief

Over 24 års erfaring

Assignments on six continents and 24 cities

95% returning clients

98% success rate

Mer enn 1500 utførte oppdrag

50% international projects

Global projects